Handling Browsers Authenttication PopUp can be easily done by one of the open sources available known as "AutoIt"
You can download AutoIt from here. AutoIt has a basic and simple Scripting language and can automate the windows desktop features.
Here we will talk about how to automatically handle the windows browser authentication popups as follows :
To handle this, we need to send the username and password in the popup and click Ok button.
Step 1:
So, to do this, we need to create a small '.au3' file which has the AutoIt Scripting Program in it as follows:
You can download AutoIt from here. AutoIt has a basic and simple Scripting language and can automate the windows desktop features.
Here we will talk about how to automatically handle the windows browser authentication popups as follows :
To handle this, we need to send the username and password in the popup and click Ok button.
Step 1:
So, to do this, we need to create a small '.au3' file which has the AutoIt Scripting Program in it as follows:
While 1
WinWait("Authentication Required")
If WinExists("Authentication Required") Then
WinWaitActive("Authentication Required","",20)
Step 2:
Save the file above, right click on it click on the option "Compile Script(x86)". This will compile the script and create a ".exe" of the ".au3" file that you made.
This convert your AutoIt script to an executable.
Step 3:
Now to use it with WebDriver. Following is the Java Code :
* Code for Handling Windows Authentication PopUps
public static void authenticationHandler(){
String execFilePath = null;
// Handled only in case of Windows
if(Platform.WINDOWS.is(currentOS)) {
execFilePath = "../resources/drivers/autoItDriver/autoItExecutable/AuthenticationHandler.exe";
try {
logger.info("AutoIt executable Path"+execFilePath);
if(execFilePath != null) {
authenticationProcess = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(execFilePath);
logger.info("Windows Browser Authentication PopUp Handled");
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Authentication Failed");
Also , in @AfterSuite you can write the following code to destroy the .exe :
private static Process authenticationProcess;
public void quitWebDriver()
logger.info("Inside After Suite");
if(authenticationProcess != null) {
That's it !
You are done with handling windows Authentication Browser PopUps.
Note: This only works on Windows Machine, For Linux & IOS there are other tools available in the market.
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